HE Deputy Minister Dr.Tun Naing, Chairman of Dawei Special Economic Zone Management Committee (DSEZ MC), Ministry of Electricity and Energy receives Mr. MARUYAMA Ichiro, Honourable Ambassador of Japan.

H.E. Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Naing, Chairman of Dawei Special Economic Zone Management Committee (DSEZ MC) and Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy received Mr. MARUYAMA Ichiro, Honourable Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar and representatives from Embassy via video conferencing at 2:00 pm on 16th December 2020 where attended by DSEZ MC’s Vice-Chairman (1) Daw Yi Yi Cho, Vice-Chairman (2) Dr. Myint San and Secretary Dr. Tin Htoo Naing.

During the meeting, DSEZ MC Chairman Dr. Tun Naing welcomed the aspiration of the Japanese government to participate in the development of Dawei SEZ through Myanmar-Thailand Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) and Joint High-Level Committee (JHC) that has been organized for the comprehensive development of Dawei Special Economic Zone.

The meeting also discussed matters related to the processes and materialization of Dawei Special Economic Zone Deep Sea Port Development and also Strategic Environmental Assessment to undertake.