DSEZ MC explained development of Dawei Special Economic Zone Implementation Progress

Dawei Special Economic Zone Management Committee (DSEZ MC) explained development of Dawei SEZ Implementation progress to Tanintharyi Regional Government members, Representatives of Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw and Regional Hluttaw of Tanintharyi Region.

H.E. Dr. Tun Naing, Chairman of DSEZ MC and Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy attended the meeting via video conferencing and delivered opening remarks.
In his remarks it include, the Dawei Deep Sea Port project that was launched in 2008 and the project was restructured in 2016 as Dawei Special Economic Zone demarcating it as Initial phase and Full phase, signing MOU by bilateral governments of Myanmar and Thailand, offering of Japanese government to participate in Myanmar-Thai JCC and JHC for development of DSEZ Project that was accepted by Myanmar Government very recently, discussions on upcoming matters to be undertaken, upgrading of construction of two-lane road between DSEZ Project and Htii Khee (Myanmar-Thai border), and electrification efforts being made by Myanmar Government.

In the course of meeting, Dr. Myint San explained on current development of DSEZ Ptoject and its future activities to be undertaken using power point slides. Queries of representatives were replied with explantions made by related memebers of DSZE Management Committee.

Those attended at the meeting are U Khin Maung Aye, Speaker of Regional Hluttaw, U Kyi Soe, Deputy-Speaker of Regional Hluttaw, U Aung Thu Ra, Regional Minister for Electricity and Energy, U Hla Htwe, Regional Minister for Natural Resources and Enviroment, Daw Yi Yi Cho, Regional Minister for Planning and Finance and Vice-Chairman( 1 ), Dr Myint San, Vice-Chairman ( 2 ), Dr. Tin Htoo Naing, Secretary and Committee Members. Dr. Htoon Htoon, member of DSEZ MC, Director, DICA, MIFER conducted as Master of Ceremony of the meeting.