The Dawei SEZ Management Committee held (7/2019) Meeting in Nay Pyi Taw regarding the Progress of Dawei SEZ on the date of 27th November 2019.

Dawei SEZ MC held its coordination meeting ( 7/2019 ) at the meeting room of Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Office Building No ( 27 ), Nay Pyi Taw. Those who attended are Dr.Tun Naing, Chairman of the DSEZ MC presided the meeting where Dr. Tin Htoo Naing, Secretary of DESZ MC, DSEZ MC members, members of legal advisory Team, external legal advisor Mr.Chris Hughes from SCM Legal attended this meeting. At the meeting, the initial industrial estate land lease agreement document was sent to the Italian-Thai Development Private Company Limited together with its related other documents after having finalized. And then matters related to further process of Full Phase project were discussed.