Dr Tun Naing, Chairman of DSEZ MC received Japan's METI, MOFA, MLITT, JICA and JBIC

Dr. Tun Naing, Chairman of Dawei SEZ Management Committee and Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy together with Dr Myint San, Vice-Chairman (2), Dr Tin Htoo Naing, Secretary, Dr Thida Oo, Member and Permanent Secretary of the Union Attorney General Office received courtesy meeting on 7th September 2020 from Government of Japan led by IMAKYUREI Manabu, Deputy Director General of Trade, Economic Cooperation and International Technology Strategy of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan, Mr. WATANABE Shige, Director, Country Assistance Planning Division I, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. TAKIMI Kazuyuki, Counsellor, Embassy of Japan in Myanmar, Mr. BABA Takashi, Director of JICA, MLITT and JBIC officials.

Chairman Dr Tun Naing initially stated that DSEZ MC is much glad to meet with Japanese representatives for continuous development works during this time and DSEZ MC is much pleased on the Japanese Government’s efforts to participate in the implementation of Dawei SEZ project. He quite believes that the SEZ project would become developed the soonest pursuant to the understanding of the locals and Myanmar who have been desirous to see this project developed awaiting for many years. He expressed with confidence that the Dawei SEZ project would be successfully implemented through efforts of Myanmar-Thailand-Japan cooperation and thanked very much for assistance of Japan provided to Myanmar for combating Covid-19 epidemic.

Then Mr. IMAKYUREI Manabu, Deputy Director General, Trade, Economic Cooperation and International Technology Strategy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, presented the proposed technical analysis plans for the Dawei Deep Sea Port project.
Afterwards, the two sides exchanged views.

At the meeting, the Myanmar side urged the Japanese government to cooperate in the Thai-Myanmar bilateral government-level cooperation mechanism on the Dawei Special Economic Zone Project. Myanmar side accepts assistance for technical and expertise for Strategic Environment Assessment for Dawei Special Economic Zone to be provided from the Japanese government and also urge the need of discussions to be made within Thailand-Japan-Myanmar trilateral representatives in the future.