DSEZ MC Chairman, Dr. Tun Naing held a video conference meeting with HK New Energy, HQC, CPP နှင့် CEEC Companies this morning

Dr. Tun Naing Chairman of Dawei SEZ Management Committee and Deputy Minister of Ministry of Electricity and Energy received representatives from Hong Kong New Energy Investment Holdings Limited, China Huanqiun Contracting & Engineering Co., Ltd (HQC), China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd (CPP) and China Energy Engineering Corporation (CEEC) this morning, 10th September 2020 and held discussions with them via online video conferencing.

Dr. Tun Naing, the Chairman delivered an opening address and said that the meeting was held upon their interests of proposed refinery project and he would like to know about the details of the proposed refinery project. Then he expressed the appreciation their interests of proposing this project.
Then, HK New Energy, HQC, CPP and CEEC initially explained about the refinery project.
The meeting was attended by Vice-Chairman (2) Dr Myint San, Secretary Dr Tin Htoo Naing, Committee members from DSEZ MC and Managing Director U Aung Myint, Deputy Permanent Secretary U Min Min Oo and Director U Win Htut Oo from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.