Dawei Special Economic Zone Management Committee (8/2020) Meeting held on 2 December 2020

A video conferencing meeting was held and presided by Dr. Tun Naing, Chairman of the DSEZ MC where it was attended by Daw Yi Yi Cho, Vice-Chairman (1) and Minister for Planning and Finance of Tanintharyi Region Government, Vice-Chairman (2) Dr. Myint San, Secretary Dr. Tin Htoo Naing, Permanent Secretary of UAGO office Dr. Thida Oo, BODs of SPV Myanmar Daw Win Win Maw, MD of MICB, U Kyaw Kyaw Naing, DDG of UAGO, Dr. Aung Moe Chel, DDG of MIFER and members of DSEZ MC.

As per the meeting agenda it was discussed on the matters related to Myanmar-Thailand-Japan government level joint cooperation on implementation, upcoming activities of the initial phase project to be undertaken, proposals submitted by the companies interested to invest in the Dawei SEZ, land approval confirmation to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy for the 230 kV substation to be built inside Dawei SEZ, work in progress of the development of Thailand’s NEDA Loan 2-Lane road project and also the upcoming activities of the Dawei Deep Sea Port Study to be conducted by JICA of Japan.